Request and receive replacement copies of your Master Case Builder ebooks and apps at any time. Solution Matrix delivers all orders via a download link that remains valid for 10 days. Anytime after that, you can receive a replacement download link for your product package. Complete and submit this form, and receive new download instructions within 24 hours or less.Replacement copies are identical to your original download or, in some cases, version-upgrades for your originals. All replacements are registered to you and are subject to your original license agreement.
Your name, as it appears on on your original order
Your order nunber is a 15-character string that looks like this: 20200704225721AB. Find your order nujber on your original download instructions, or in the file name of each product file, or onscreen on the early pages of ebooks and apps. If you cannot recover the origianl order number, please write UNKNOWN in this field, and name provide the year and approximate month of your order, to help us locate the order in our database.
Provide the approximate date of your original order, to help us locate your original order in our databas
Provide the email submitted with your original order (even if you no longer have that address).
Your current email address.
Name the products in your original order you are replacing. Sign the signature field below. Your signature is your agreement that you are the original registered owner of the replacement products requested.
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