CME ApplicationFor questions email or call 248.646.3661

Activity Information

Activity Director

Please Click to download, fill and save The Activity Director Compliance Agreement  

A signed agreement needs to be uploaded at the Documentation part of this application for Director and for Co-Director or Proxy if applicable.

If yes Co-Director needs to fill below

Activity Co-Director

Activity Coordinator/Contact PersonI (if other than Director)

Educational Grants

Educational Information

Maximum 300 words.

0 / 300

Educational Needs

Knowledge Gap

0 / 300

Please provide a data source(s) to support the knowledge gap.

Competence Gap

0 / 300

Please provide a data source(s) to support the competence gap.

Performance Gap

0 / 300

Please provide a data source(s) to support the performance gap.

Learning Objectives 

Describe the learning objective for the gap, i.e., what the learner should be able to do after the educational experience/intervention (apply, select, identify, implement, etc.) Learning objectives should be used both to guide instruction and articulate expectations in terms of measureable changes in knowledge, skills and/or attitudes/behavior. Verbs to Help Formulate Objectives

Performance Objectives

Performance Objectives (identify 1-2 behavioral and/or skill changes expected of physician attendees to be used in practice as a result of their participation in the activity; use action verbs, e.g.,

Additional Educational Information

Maximum 100 words.

0 / 100
0 / 100

Indicate the desirable physician attribute(s) (i.e., competencies) this activity address.

Section Title

Planning Committee Members

Please list all members of the Planning Committee. Each Planning Committee member needs to complete a Conflict of Interest form, click to download and fill: all Conflict of Intrest at the Documentation part at the end of this form.  

NameDegreeAcademic TitleAffiliationEmail Address

Documentation: Please upload all that applies